Thursday, October 8, 2009

Science 10/8

We got the results of our petri dishes on Monday. They were discusting. Yellow bactiria colonies growing on the glass. The weird thing was that we were supposed to choose something that would have lots of bactiria in the bathroom and something that has none. Our results got flip flopped. Our control clean sample was an empire while the supposed to be dirty one was almost empty. Our mistake was thet we choose the drain as the control. All of the bactiria in the sink goes to the drain. I learned many things about bactira through the experimet such as it spreads everywhere and fast.

Later in the week we were discussing viruses. We wanted to know if they were living. I learned about one type of virus that has a capsid, nuclic acid, tails, a sheath, and a rod. When We confirmed that they are not living because it is not composed of cells. I said it could posibly be single celled, but I was wrong. There is no cell wall, capsule, or DNA in a virus to name a few. They have RNA which stands for Ribonuclic Acid. That made me think it sounds like ribosomes. So maybe viruses are living.

We started talking about what fats and oils are used for. I had thought they were stored energy. Turns out it is used by viruses to not fusing with water based liquids. Here is a video of an experiment I did.

We are finally going to start doing experiments to learn what the epademic at Truman Middle School is. I think a good way to test everything would be to have a petri dish with water sample, equiptment sample, and food sample. Then the next day while the bactiria grows take the microscope test. The next day having passed the test I could make a slide for each of the three samples and examint them through the microscope. On thursday I could examine the petri dish I made on Monday. On Friday I could get the results of the blood and work on my Lab Report.

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